Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh, the fun we had!

On Friday June 5th, WVC (employees and relatives) took part in the Relay for Life, an overnight fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. While it may seem strange to say we have fun, we really did! They make the event so interesting with lots of activities. There didn't seem to be as many people there as there were last year, but it was still a good crowd!

Here are some pictures from the event:

Our tent area.

The COOLEST spinning wheel! We charged $1 per spin (all proceeds going to the ACS) and had it filled with prizes like goodie bag treats, free nail trims, and 15% off dental procedures. Most of the kids preferred the goodie bag treats. ☺

Our theme this year: Polly Wanna CURE! We also hung a memorial poster for Dr. Lisa's mother, Carol, who passed away in 1992 from cancer.

Some of the beautiful luminarias that were purchased in memory or honor of those fighting cancer. It was an incredible site, highlighted with the playing of a bagpipe.

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